[Project] Repair Cafés for Digital Rights will pop up in Brussels to help individuals who experience difficulties in exercising their digital rights, and connect them with volunteers with relevant legal and technical expertise. Did you try to access your personal data and never received a reply, or perhaps just a strange answer? Do you actually wonder what to expect from the exercise of your digital rights? Are you puzzled by some data you managed to receive? The Repair Cafés empower citizens by bringing them together, and their exchanges will contribute to shed new light on data practices in the city, as well as the challenges faced by citizens and urban actors when using their rights.
With four evening events open to the general public, Repair Café for Digital Rights - BXL brings international experts and activists from other locations to Brussels. We will zoom in on pressing issues – such as Wi-Fi surveillance, the impact of ‘digital platforms’ such as Uber on city life, and facial recognition – and develop best practices so Repair Cafés for Digital Rights can take place in other cities in the future.
The project is coordinated by Gloria González Fuster, René Mahieu, and Joris Van Hoboken from the Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS) Research Group in collaboration with Ruben De Smet from the Department of Electronics & Informatics (ETRO) (VUB).
The Repair Cafés for Digital Rights initiative is one of the five BCUS Awarded Projects for 2020. You can find more information on the BCUS selected projects here.
If you are interested in participating, please contact the project coordinators.
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