LSTS engages in a variety of legal disciplines ranging from legal theory to positive law, and its legal research recurrently intersects with disciplines such as philosophy (of law, of sciences and of technology), science and technology studies (STS), computer science, digital sociology, communication studies, and critical data studies, among others. LSTS is an internationally recognised centre of expertise on privacy and data protection law. Its research generally explores digitalisation and digitalisations’ impact and regulation from a European and global perspectives, covering subjects such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), health, surveillance, discrimination, gender or (cyber-)security.
Research Vision
The LSTS research vision is based on its proven capacity to lead international research and to constitute a major European reference in this field of law, science, technology & society. LSTS is also multiplying its activities with local actors, e. g. through Innoviris projects.
Ongoing projects
ARC II: Awareness Raising Campaign for SMEs II
Conflict Resolution with Equitative Algorithms 2
cPAID - Cloud-based platform-agnostic adversarial AI defence framework
Dataunion: The European Data Union: European Security Integration through Database Interoperability
EITHOS : European Identity THeft Observatory System
FERMI : Fake nEws Risk MItigator
FRODDO: Federated cyber-physical infrastructure for ODD continuity
HumanE-AI-Net: HumanE AI Network
LeADS: Legally Attentive Data Scientists
SafeTravellers: Secure and frictionless identity for EU and third country national citizens
SOCIO-BEE: Wearables and droneS fOr CIty Socio-Environmental Observations and BEhavioral ChangE
SUN: Social and hUman ceNtered XR
TRIFFID: Autonomous robotic aid for increasing first responders efficiency
VOCORDER: Towards the ultimate breath analysis-based continuous healthcare