This is the first lunchtime debate in the series 'Meet the Author' by the Brussels Privacy Hub which will be held online. The debate will challenge the findings of Dr Rob Van Eijk on Web Privacy Measurement and Real Rime Bidding in his dissertation at the University of Leiden (2019). The author is an expert on tracking cookies and similar tracking techniques which are nowadays omnipresent on the internet. In fact, many popular online services are made possible due to online advertisements. When you are about to book a last-minute holiday online, you may experience that your purchase intention follows you on other websites.
The debate will take place as part of the Meet The Author Series, which aims to give authors of recent books and articles on privacy-related issues the opportunity to present their works before a critical audience composed by academics, private sector practitioners, policymakers, fundamental rights advocates, European officials and so on.
For more information and registration, click here.