Andrés Chomczyk, LSTS researcher and MSCA fellow at the PROTECT European Training Network, will participate on May 7, 2021 in a webinar about new data governance models and their implications on GDPR transparency obligations.
Have you ever wondered, what is happening to our large data trails online and who can you trust with your data ? Over the last year, we have become almost wholly reliant on the use of digital platforms for many aspects of our lives. From remote working and schooling to online shopping and online entertainment to digital health and fitness tracking, we have been propelled into a digitally mediated world. Companies want us to sign in to collect and process our data, but we rarely have the time, or the information, to understand the full implications of these terms, conditions, and privacy notices. While numerous groups including international organisations, governments, researchers and society groups have tried to improve the situation through the creation of new tools, whether these are improving trust in digital services is still uncertain.
Enter the Data Governance Act proposal led by the EU Commission who are proposing legislation to introduce new data governance models to improve trust between those of us who share their data and the organisations who then control our data. This would allow for the creation of data cooperatives who can then represent individuals before BigTech companies.
Now is a good time to ask ‘Who should I trust with my data?’ Researchers from the PROTECT European Training Network, will join ADAPT’s privacy and ethics expert Prof. Dave Lewis at this public webinar on 7th May, to discuss that very question and to discuss the EU Commission's proposed legislation.
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