Lina Jasmontaite participated in the second episode of the podcast prepared by the trainees of European Data Protection Supervisor and the European Data Protection Board (EDPS-EDPB). The three-part podcast focuses on the European Commission’s proposal to introduce a European Digital Identity Wallet by amending the Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS Regulation). Lina’s suggestions featured proposals on how to make the Digital Identity Wallet more inclusive for people with vulnerable backgrounds and with low digital literacy, among other issues. The episode also includes insightful remarks made by Thomas Lohninger, the Executive Director of the digital rights NGO epicenter.works and the Vice-President of European Digital Rights (EDRi).
This contribution is a follow up of a report by the Brussels Privacy Hub entitle The European Commission Proposal Amending the eIDAS Regulation: A Personal Data Protection Perspective, co-authored by Alessandro Ortalda, Niko Tsakalakis and Lina Jasmontaite.
To read more about the podcast and its other episodes see: Wojciech Wiewiórowski’s blog post ‘The EU Digital Identity Wallet: A Data Protection Perspective’
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