Dr. Laurence Diver will present at the Artificial Intelligence and Justice Administration Day on 22 April, organised by the Catalan Center for Legal Studies and Specialised Training. He’ll talk about the mediation of law by statistical legal technologies, and how automation bias raises problematic questions around access to law and our collective recognition of fundamental legal concepts and the Rule of Law.
For more information and programme (in Catalan), see https://cejfe.gencat.cat/ca/detalls/activitatagenda/Jornada-en-Intelligencia-artificial-i-Administracio-de-justicia.
The talk is based on work featured in a recent blogpost, written with fellow COHUBICOL postdoc Pauline McBride, published in Verfassungsblog (‘High Tech, Low Fidelity? Statistical Legal Tech and the Rule of Law’). That post is itself based on a peer-reviewed paper forthcoming in a special edition of the Communitas journal, on the topic of Artificial Intelligence and normativity.