On 28 January 2022 (13:00-15:10 CET), upon the occasion of the Data Protection Day, the Data Protection Law Scholars Network organizes the the first ever international quick meet-up of data protection law researchers. Prof. Dr. Gloria González Fuster will give the welcome speech. Three LSTS researchers - Nikos Ioannidis (LSTS/d.pia.lab), Laura Drechsler (FWO/LSTS/BPH) and Olga Gkotsopoulou (LSTS/HALL) - will participate as speakers.
Data protection law scholars of all levels of seniority will present in 3 slides and 5 minutes their current work, be it a developing PhD, an interesting master thesis, an upcoming promising paper or a brand-new project. The programme encompasses two sessions, each one consisting of two parallel streams. The streams are not thematically organised but rather cover diverse and innovative topics of data protection law. Attendees will be allocated randomly either to Stream 1 or to Stream 2, upon registration.
The event is free to attend, but registration is required. You can register here. Registrations will be open until 26 January 2022, 17:00 Brussels time. After registration, attendees will receive:
- Immediately, their access link to the Plenary;
- Few days before the event, their access link to Stream 1 or Stream 2, based on random allocation.
The latest information about the programme and the speakers can be found on the Network’s website.
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