Anastasiya Kiseleva
Anastasiya Kiseleva is doing international and interdisciplinary PhD research funded and supported by the EUTOPIA program.
Her research is about balancing AI's transparency in healthcare with its safety and quality from legal and technical perspectives. The project is organised in collaboration between Vrije Universiteit Brussels as a home university (represented by the Research Group Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS) responsible for legal expertise) and CY Cergy University Paris as a host university (represented by ETIS Research Lab and leading the technical area of the project).
Anastasiya works on different topics in health law and technologies, including the European Health Data Space, AI-based medical devices, genetic testing and editing with AI. Her papers in the mentioned areas were top listed by the publishing journals and cited by the European Parliament and the European Commission. She is a member of Ethics Advisory Boards in several EU-funded projects such as DigiCare4You and Marvel. Since June 2023, she joined the Editorial Board of the European Health & Pharmaceutical Law Review. She acts as an external AI Policy Expert at EUMASS (the European Union of Medicine in Assurance and Social Security).
Anastasiya holds an LL.M. in IP & IT Law (EULISP) from Leibniz University Hannover (magna cum laude). Before fully focusing her career on academia, she has been previously practicing intellectual property and information technology law for more than 8 years.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels