Andrés Chomczyk Penedo
Andrés Chomczyk Penedo is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Law and Technology (IDT) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). He obtained a PhD in Law at the Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS) Research Group of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where he remains as an Affiliated Researcher. Before this, he obtained his law degree from Universidad Austral (Argentina) and a master degree on data protection from Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain). His PhD was done in the context of the PROTECT MSCA ITN project, where he was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow from 2019 to 2023, under the supervision of both Prof. Dr. Paul De Hert and Prof. Dr. Paul Quinn. His PhD research focused on innovative ways to empower individuals to make meaningful, informed decisions about their data in the context of the EU 2020 Data Strategy. By borrowing notions from EU financial services regulation, the dissertation explored the possible existence of a duty of assistance from data controllers to data subjects to help in the navigation of data-related choices by improving current transparency practices.
During his time as a doctoral researcher at LSTS, he contributed extensively to other EU funded projects, such as LeADS, PANELFIT and SOCIO-BEE. Moreover, he also actively participated in the Brussels Privacy Hub (BPH) activities, where he also remains as an academic fellow.
His research activities and interests are focused on the intersection between data protection and financial services, with several publications dealing with both EU and Latin American regulations.
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