Anna Moscibroda
Anna have graduated law from the University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin (Poland, 2003), and obtained the post-graduate master diploma (LL.M.) from the Institute of European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (The Programme on International Legal Cooperation “PILC”, 2004).
For several years, Anna was a full time member of LSTS. She first joined LSTS in 2006 and dealt with various legal aspects of EU law related to new technologies, such as liability, electronic communication, and in particular privacy, data protection and digital copyright. After short break, Anna re-joined VUB-LSTS in 2012, where she continued research on information and communications technologies (ICT) law, focusing on topics related to competition law and copyright. She participated in a number of research projects, such as SWAMI (“Safeguards in the World of Ambient Intelligence”) focusing on societal and legal aspects of ambient intelligence environment, and SPICE (“Service Platform for Innovative Communication Environment”) looking at the legal aspects of operation of mobile service platforms. In addition, Anna contributed to other project, such as PHAEDRA (“Improving Practical and Helpful cooperAtion betweEn Data PRotection Authorities”) where she studied cooperation between national Data Protection Authorities, or EBBITS (“Enabling the Business-Based Internet of Things and Services”) where she researched relevant aspects of patents, copyright and data ownership.
Anna has also gained a considerable experience in European Institutions. She worked as a case handler (antirust and mergers) in European Commission, Directorate General for the Competition (2008-2011). Currently, she works for European Commission, Directorate General for Justice and Consumers in a unit responsible for data protection. Upon taking her current duties in 2014, she focuses mostly on the data protection aspects of migration policies (including asylum, Schengen acquis, large scale IT systems, boarder management) and law enforcement.
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1050 Brussels