Project Title - Awareness Raising Campaing for SMEs- ARC II
Project Description
Keywords - SMEs, web tool olivia, GDPR, privacy
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the strongest and most comprehensive law to regulate the collection and use of
personal data of the EU citizens. It enables free movement of personal data within the EU and in this way boosts the data economy by
facilitating the cross-border exchange of data. Even after more than two years of its application, compliance with the GDPR remains
challenging especially for SMEs. Therefore, there is a strong need for the development of practical guidance and digital tools that can
also be replicated in other Member states, adapted to SMEs needs to facilitate them the implementation of GDPR obligations .
The ARC II project will directly address the referred issues, as ARC II Consortium will: develop an open-source, freely accessible,
interoperable and innovative digital tool Olivia, tailor-made to specific needs of SMEs, conduct 20 GDPR workshops in Croatia and 20
in Italy during which SMEs will be able to receive during which SMEs will be able to receive direct support to resolve their specific
problems regarding GDPR compliance, run an awareness raising campaign in Croatian and Italian media, create educational
materials and videos, organise 2 validation workshops, 2 international conferences to disseminate project results, promote digital
tool Olivia and encourage SMEs to use it, as well as to raise awareness on personal data protection among the general public.
Time Span - September 2022 - September 2024 |
Assigned by - Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) |
Promotor(s) - Paul Quinn |
Researcher (s) - Cong Yao |
Staff - |
Contact - HALL |
Research Output - website |