Professor Dr. Jungnyum Lee, Ph. D. will be a visiting professor at Brussels Privacy Hub from 14 June to 31 July 2019.
Tell us a few words about yourself and your research interests
I am Law Professor (Dr. iur., Ph. D. in Law) at Soongsil University in Seoul, Korea. I specialize in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Criminology and Forensic Science (regarding the protection of biological genetic data from an individual) as well as respective Legislative Policy in respect to personal data protection and security.
Since 2013, I have been a Humboldt research member of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. I did research as a Humboldt research fellow on “DNA-Information and genetic informational privacy in criminal proceedings” at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in Germany (2013-2015). As part of the Humboldt scholarship, I was visiting staff at Durham University Law School in England (2014) and at Aberdeen University Law School in Scotland (2015). As one research result of the Humboldt scholarship, I published the article “The presence and future of the use of DNA-Information and the protection of genetic informational privacy: a comparative perspective” in the International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, England. I worked for the National Assembly of South Korea as a Senior Legislative Research Official in Criminal Law (2009-2011) and I was an Advisory Committee Member of the Korean National Forensic Service (2010-2012).
Nowadays, my research focuses on suggesting the regulatory directions of hate expression, disinformation and fake news in online, especially with a comparative legal aspect between European Union including its Member States and South Korea. Currently, I carry out the research project on “Suggestions regarding the criminal punishment of hate expression” by the Korean Ministry of Justice and I published the articles “Legal definition of hate expressions and criteria for the limitation of hate expressions” and “Understanding and analysis of the regulatory system regarding hate crimes in the United Kingdom: focusing on legislative aspects”, etc.
Which are your main objectives during your stay at BPH?
During my stay at Brussels Privacy Hub, I will work on my research project on “Criminal legislative models for the regulation of fake news on the internet” in cooperation with the Korean National Research Foundation. Furthermore, I will do research on the various legal systems and policies of the European Union and its Member States responding to privacy challenges posed by the development of new scientific technologies such as Industry 4.0.
Concerning your project on criminal legislative models, could you tell us a few words about the work done so far, the aims of this study as well as your future plans?
At the beginning of May 2019, I started the research project on “Criminal legislative models for the regulation of fake news on the internet” supported by the Korean National Research Foundation. My research project focuses on personal data protection, private informational privacy and freedom of expression with the aim of suggesting legislative models for the regulation of fake news or disinformation. For this purpose, I will analyze how the European Union and the Member States tackle fake news or disinformation in online media from a comparative legal perspective during my stay at Brussels Privacy Hub. As one result of research project, I plan to publish some articles in European Law journals.
How can we reach you?
If someone has interest in my research areas or any other question, please contact me per Email.
Interested in applying for a study visit with the Brussels Privacy Hub? You can learn more about the Brussels Privacy Hub visiting scholar programme here.
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