The call is split into two different tracks. The first is dedicated to experienced researchers (i.e. postdoctoral researchers, professors etc.), while the second welcomes PhD students and other junior researchers. Contributions are welcome from all disciplines with perspectives on the themes of the conference. The dual-track structure of the CPDP2020 Call for Papers aims to meet the increasing interest of researchers – from all levels and from multiple disciplines – in CPDP and their expectations in terms of academic feedback and exchange.
The CPDP Scientific Committee invites papers in the fields of law, social sciences, philosophy and computer sciences (as well as other relevant fields). Multidisciplinary papers are especially welcome. In particular, this call aims to reach researchers whose works relate to new technologies, privacy and data protection. Selected researchers will have the valuable opportunity to present their papers in the conference academic sessions. The main theme highlighted this year is “Data Protection and Artificial Intelligence”, but we welcome any original topics related to the general themes of the conference.Follow this link for more information about the topics presented at previous editions of CPDP. In case of doubt regarding the suitability of a contribution for the conference, please contact Magda Brewczyńska .
Authors responding to this Call for Papers are asked to submit a full paper ( between 6000 and 8000 words in length, excluding footnotes and bibliography) via a dedicated webpage on the EasyChair system, together with a short abstract and up to 5 keywords. Authors should select the track for which they are applying in EasyChair: either CPDP2020 Experienced Researchers or CPDP2020 Junior Researchers. You can check the detailed submission instructions here.
Please submit your contribution through the EasyChair system through the following link.
- Deadline for submissions: Tuesday, 1 October 2019 (23:59 CET).
- Notification to authors: Monday, 2 December 2019.
Papers accepted for presentation at the conference will go through a second round of reviews for inclusion in the conference book.
Selected authors – one for each paper – will receive free entrance for the duration of the conference. Funding for travel expenses may be available for PhD Candidates who cannot cover their own costs.
You can read the full Call for Papers here.
For further details on the conference structure and its main topic areas, interested researchers are invited to visit www.cpdpconferences.org or to contact info@cpdpconferences.org
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For suggestions/feedback concerning the LSTS website news section, please contact Olga Gkotsopoulou.