Emilie van den Hoven
Emilie van den Hoven started her PhD at the VUB under the supervision of prof. Mireille Hildebrandt on her ERC ADG CoHubiCol project (2019-2024) in March 2019. The project will conduct foundational research into computational law and investigate how computation changes many of the assumptions, operations and outcomes of the law.
Emilie attended Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and Lancaster University for her LLB in international and European law. She completed her legal studies at the University of Amsterdam and Georgetown University and holds a LLM (research master) in public international law. During her LLM, she worked as a research assistant on the ERC SHARES project on shared responsibility in international law, with PI prof. André Nollkaemper. She previously worked as an intern in the international law department of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and worked as a research assistant on various other research projects during her studies.
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