Eric Repetto
Eric is a PhD candidate at the Center for International Studies (CERI) in Sciences Po Paris, under the supervision of Prof. Thierry Balzacq. He is currently a visiting researcher within the LSTS Research Group, under the guidance of Prof. Rocco Bellanova.
His research focuses on the role of transnational Big Tech companies in reproducing state sovereignty - and the international system - as a discursive practice. His interests include relational approaches to sovereignty, the development of digital sovereignty as a concept, and the evolution of post-structuralist approaches to address contemporary International Relations.
Eric studied at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and at the universities of Florence and Pisa. He graduated in Political Sciences from Florence in October 2020 and from Sant'Anna in December 2021. He also worked in the European Parliament's AFCO Secretariat between March and July 2021.
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