Project Title - FrAmework for ClInicaL trIal participants’ daTA reutilization for a fully Transparent and Ethical ecosystem : 'FACILITATE'
Project Description
Keywords - health data, data protection, clinical management,
FACILITATE is a project built on a patient-centred, data-driven, technological platform where dynamic consent allows the returning of clinical trial data to study participants within a GDPR compliant and approved ethical framework. FACILITATE starts-off by providing clear rules in a trusted ethical, legal and regulatory ecosystem before engaging patients as data generators. This avoids the current situation where clinical data are siloed in separate repositories without any possibility to be used beyond their original single-sided purpose. FACILITATE will provide the technological solutions to comply with GDPR in medical research by building on the empowered stakeholders’ willingness to share and re-use their data.
Time Span - January 2022 - December 2025 |
Assigned by - Horizon Europe |
Promotor(s) - Paul Quinn |
Researcher(s) - Wenkai Li |
Contact - lsts@vub.be |
Detailed information - project website |
EU Acronym - EUAR73 |