Prof. Mireille Hildebrandt's ERC Advanced Grant project COHUBICOL has published the final version of its Research Study on Computational Law. Written by postdoctoral researchers Pauline McBride and Laurence Diver, the study is one of the core outputs of the project.
Consisting of three chapters, the Study first summarises the central concerns and theoretical foundations of the project, with particular focus on the project's framing concepts of (1) affordance and (2) modes of existence. After which, in the second and third chapters, these concepts are applied to examine the potential impacts and "effects on legal effect" data-driven legal technologies and Rules as Code (RaC) approaches might have on legal protection and the Rule of Law.
The Study can be found online here, or can be downloaded as PDF here. We welcome feedback. You can contact the team by email ( or on Twitter (@cohubicol1). The authors’ profiles are also linked to above; feel free to get in touch directly.