Franck Dumortier
Franck Dumortier is currently reseacher in data protection and cybersecurity law at the Cyber and Data Security Lab (CDSL), which is part of the Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS) at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). At the CDSL/LSTS, Franck is involved in several collaborative research projects in this area which are funded by the European Union.
Franck holds a law degree from the free university of Brussels (ULB) and has been a researcher at CRIDS (Research Center in Information, Law and Society) at the University of Namur between 2005 and 2020 where he was also in charge of the cybersecurity law course as part of the Master's degree in Cybersecurity.
Franck's expertise concentrates on topics such as videosurveillance, data protection impact assessments, collection and processing of personal data by law enforcement and security agencies, material and procedural cybercrime law... and more generally anything related to surveillance and security in the broad sense.
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1050 Brussels