The LSTS Gender, Law & Technology reading group has been back since September 2023, continuing its exploration of how gender intersects with legal and technological frameworks!
The group’s main purpose is to create a dedicated space for researchers from diverse academic backgrounds to come together each month, engaging in discussions on key topics and critically examining selected readings.
Past Sessions:
- AI and Gender Bias (September 2023)
- Platform Governance and Content Moderation (October 2023)
- Feminism in AI – A Feminist Dictionary in AI (November 2023)
- A Feminist-Queer Reading of the EU AI Law (January 2024)
- Feminist & Queer Legal Methods (February 2024)
- Posthuman Feminism (March 2024)
- Homonationalism and AI Policies (April 2024)
- "Feminist Cyberlaw" (May 2024, CPDP Feminist Book Club)
- "Feminist AI" (May 2024, CPDP Feminist Book Club)
- "When Rape Goes Viral" (May 2024, CPDP Feminist Book Club)
- Caring Dataveillance (September 2024)
- Objectification Theory and the Role of Digital Technologies (October 2024)
- Beauty Standards in AI (November 2024)
- Image-Based Sexual Abuse (Guest Speaker Seminar by Dr. Carlotta Rigotti, January 2025)
- The GDPR from a Gender-Focused Perspective (Guest Speaker Seminar by Dr. Maria Tzanou and Anastasia Siapka, February 2025)
Upcoming Sessions:
- Protecting Women Online (Guest Speaker Seminar by Prof. Olga Jurasz, 21 March 2025)
- Gender Impact Assessment (Guest Speaker Seminar by Dr. Maria Mousmouti, 7 April 2025)
Looking forward to another year of insightful discussions!