HALL organizes the workshop at the conference of the European Association of Health Law to be held in Ghent from 20 until 22 April 2022. The workshop is titled “Health care Improved through AI-based Clinical Decision Support Systems: Use Cases and Interdisciplinary Dialog” and is aimed to facilitate the discussion of benefits and challenges of AI medical applications in practice-oriented and interdisciplinary way. At the workshop on 22 April, 2022, experts of VUB and UZ Brussels specialising in different domains will share their insights, concerns, and experiences with AI-based Clinical Decision Support Systems, including through their participation in the relevant EU projects TumorScope, HosmartAI and FASTER.
Nivedita Yadav as a medical informatics and AI researcher at VUB will talk about the AI-based clinical systems and the process of their development and validation. She will share her insights and experience with AI’s performance and accuracy demonstrated in medical field, as well as the relevant challenges that developers of AI system can come across.
Pieter Cornu as a medical professional will share his experience with AI-based decision-support systems in clinical environments. He is Assistant Professor at VUB and the clinical decision support coordinator at UZ Brussel. Based on his research and published papers, Pieter will share his experience with validation and authorisation of AI medical applications as medical devices, will describe the relevant process and challenges that medical organisations and healthcare professionals encounter.
Hideyuki Matsumi as a legal expert and a PhD researcher at HALL will share his expertise gained through legal support of the HosmartAI project. He will provide a brief overview of the applicable or relevant legal laws and regulations as well as ethical and social norms to AI-based clinical decision-support systems in medical research context. One core issue covered by Hideyuki will be profiling and automated decision-making provisions under the GDPR, how the latter might be the risk concerning (in)accuracy of AI.
Anastasiya Kiseleva will present her interdisciplinary research on AI’s transparency in healthcare from legal and technical perspective. She will speak on how to build the common taxonomy of transparency and related concepts (such as interpretability and explainability) in law and data science, will describe different types of transparency in healthcare (external, internal and insider) and suggest the multi-layered system of AI’s transparency in healthcare that is built based on accountability architecture. The presentation will be based on the insights she gained through PHD research and working on the relevant paper “Transparency of AI In Healthcare: Between Legal Requirements and Technical Limitations” to be published in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Her PhD research is supported and funded under the EUTOPIA program and is carried out at VUB (LSTS and HALL) and CYU (ETIS research lab).
The panel will be chaired by Professor Paul Quinn. He is the head of HALL and co-promotor of the TumorScope. As a leading legal expert, he also represents VUB as a partner at the HosmartAI project.
The EAHL conference this year is devoted to the topic “Quality of healthcare. Can the law help to guarantee safe and reliable care for the patient?” The conference will therefore offer a unique programme of distinguished keynote speakers, workshops and oral and poster presentations on broad scientific issues covering the conference theme. More information about the conference and the program is here.