Juraj Sajfert
Juraj is a part-time post-doctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), currently working on the PROMODE project. He obtained a joint PhD in law in January 2024 from VUB and the University of Luxembourg, with a thesis called 'Resolving legal conflicts between data access investigative measures and data protection law in the EU: the case for quantitative data and balancing'. On this topic, he joined VUB in October 2019 as a full-time PhD student at the LSTS, on the FWO/FNR funded project called 'Making transparent invisible surveillance: Digital investigatory measures in the European Union and their compatibility with EU data protection law'.
Juraj is an EU official at the Data Protection Unit of DG Justice and Consumers of the European Commission. He is working on the development and application of EU data protection law for more than a decade. Juraj has been closely involved in the process of drafting and negotiating the new EU data protection legislation, particularly focusing on the Data Protection Directive for police and criminal justice authorities, the Data Protection Regulation for Union institutions and bodies and data protection rules for the European Public Prosecutors’ Office and Eurojust. He publishes regularly on topical issues for data protection in the area of law enforcement.
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1050 Brussel