Dr Jaroslaw Greser, assistant professor at the Warsaw University of Technology, is visiting the LSTS during this semester. He is currently working on the legal possibilities and limitations of using synthetic data in the medical sector.
On 7 June 2023, 14:00 to 15:00 CET, Dr Greser will present his work in progress, entitled ‘Synthetic data and Medical AI – Legal and regulatory challenges’, followed by discussion.
Abstract: Training of the medical AI algorithms requires a huge amount of detailed data, majority of which can be considered sensitive. Regardless of the benefits gained, there are questions about patients’ safety and privacy. Synthetic data is perceived as a promising way to achieve better performance in these areas without compromising utility. However, this assumption is controversial and numerous objections indicating threats related to using such data can be found in the literature. The aim of the presentation is to identify a normative framework for the application of synthetic data in the medical sector and to determine whether it is sufficient from a market and safety perspective.
This event will be in a hybrid format (both on-campus and online). The link to the event will be send out in due time to the LSTS mailing list. Interested participants wishing to take part, who are not on that mailing list, can register by sending an email to Pablo.Rodrigo.Trigo.Kramcsak@vub.be.