On 31 January 2024, 12:30 to 13:30 CET, Paola will present her work-in-progress, entitled ‘Data Protection in Data-Economy: The Contracts with Digital Platforms’, followed by discussion.
The aim of the seminar is to present preliminary findings of the research on the relationships between Contract law and Data Protection law. The issue of data protection in data-driven economy is a hotly debated topic due to the frequent use of contractual schemes that allow one party to collect data. Hence the need to employ a multilevel protection system with the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Contract law and, where appropriate, Consumer law. Therefore, the seminar will address some key issues: the arrangement on personality attributes, the possibility of considering information as legal assets when they assume a social utility, and how the contract may affect personal data with a view to a transfer of value.
This event will be in a hybrid format (both on-campus and online). Interested participants wishing to take part can register by sending an email to Pablo.Rodrigo.Trigo.Kramcsak@vub.be.