Nathan Genicot
Affiliated Researcher
Nathan Genicot is a postdoctoral researcher in the project ‘AI Regulatory Sandboxes’ and a guest professor at the VUB. He holds a PhD in law, a master’s degree in law and in philosophy (Université libre de Bruxelles) and is a member of the Perelman Centre for Legal Philosophy. His doctoral thesis is entitled Des règles sur mesure. Une généalogie du profilage algorithmique (Tailor-made rules. A genealogy of algorithmic profiling). His research focuses on the links between digitization, quantification practices and the law. More broadly, his interests cover AI and data law, philosophy and theory of law, and history of science and technology (notably social sciences). His publications can be accessed here.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels