The VUB has concluded a contract with ASP Editions to publish the PERSONA project "Handbook of integrated Impact Assessment: the case of new technologies for border control", under the editorship of Prof. J. Peter Burgess and Dr. Dariusz Kloza, with contributions from VUB and other project partners (PRIO, CEL and QMUL).
After a peer review process, the handbook is due in early 2021 and it will be published in open access, with a number of printed copies to be distributed among stakeholders.
The abstract and draft table of contents can be found at: https://vub.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/PRJ-PERSONA/ESWGc-sGOcxPtv9w7p_d6R8B5kE7tMsHSQVJ-0ZRFjSZDQ?e=uwbFo4