Data Protection Officers (DPOs) are an essential feature of the current data protection landscape. They have a multitude of tasks and responsibilities, duties and challenges. Luckily, they are not alone.
This roundtable will look into the possibilities for DPOs to get together, touching upon questions such as:
What are the existing networks, and what do they aim at doing?
What are, in practice, the advantages for DPOs of joining such networks?
What role can the play, for instance, in case of seemingly inappropriate dismissal of a DPO?
From a policy perspective, which are or should be the priorities of DPOs associations?
Chair: Gloria González Fuster (LSTS, VUB)
Speakers include: Cecilia Álvarez Rigaudias (Asociación Profesional Española de Privacidad, APEP), Christophe Boeraeve (Association Française des Correspondants à la protection des Données à caractère Personnel, AFCDP), Gonca G.Dhont (DPO Network Europe), Koenraad Flamant (DPO Pro).
Time: 12:00 - 14:30 (lunch is included)Venue: Institute for European Studies (IES) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Pleinlaan 5, B-1050, Brussels.Registration: The event is free to attend, but due to limited capacity, registration is required. Should you encounter difficulties with the online registration, please contact Register here.