Title: Make Websites Privacy Friendly Again!
Subtitle: Overview of Systemic Issues and Tooling
Speaker: Robert Riemann (EDPS)
During the session, we quickly review how website development and the Internet economy evolved during the last 20 years. After a primer on browser technologies for tracking, a hands-on exercise follows to show how such tracking can be made visible. For this, we use Firefox and Chrome. Eventually, the free software from the European Data Protection Supervisor (the Website Evidence Collector) is shown, which can automatically detect, record and document tracking.
Participants are kindly invited to bring their own laptops and he will show how to check cookies etc. with Firefox/Chrome (no extra install required) and present the Website Evidence Collector.
Robert Riemann holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Physics from the University of Berlin. In 2017, he received the degree of a doctor in computer science from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon for his research on the subject of distributed communication systems for e.g. online voting. Since then, he works at the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) in Brussels in the IT Policy unit. He covers mainly web technologies and P2P and follows up on recent technological developments.