On 3-4 July 2019, LSTS Researcher and d.pia.lab Member Sara Roda attended the 3rd Plenary Meeting of the Hybrid Human-Robot Recycling Plant for Electrical and Electronic Equipment (HR-Recycler) Project to present a report on security, data protection, privacy, ethics and societal acceptance. This report identifies the fundamental rights that are likely to be affected during the project, the ethical and societal concerns underpinning human-robot interaction and collaboration, and the regulatory frameworks that should guide the action of partners. The meeting was hosted in Barcelona, by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC). Sara also gave a presentation on privacy by design and ethics in AI to the Legal and Ethics Sub-Committee of the HR-Recycler Project. This committee holds a session at every Plenary Meeting to enable project members to recursively reflect on the impacts (fundamental rights, regulatory and ethical and societal frameworks) of the HR-Recycler project.
The HR-Recycler project is composed by partners from the academia and the industry in seven EU Member States. It aims at developing a new generation of collaborative industrial robots and create a human-robot working environment in three recycling plants located in Greece, Portugal and Spain. The VUB’s role is to conduct a data protection impact assessment and to ensure continuous legal and ethical monitoring of the project.
You can follow HR-Recycler news here.
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