The Gender, Technology & Law Sessions are a collaborative initiative of the Law, Science, Technology and Society Research Group (LSTS) and the Fundamental Rights Centre (FRC) at the VUB.
The initiative aims at investigating the intersections between gender, technology and law through an interdisciplinary approach. Outcomes of these investigations but also more explorative debates and open questions are presented in a series of seminars, both by internal and external speakers.
Gender, Technology & Law Events
- Practical info-
Gender, Technology & Law session with Argyro (Iro) Chatzinikolaou - Sexting amongst children: should it fall within the scope of criminal legislation?
The Gender, Technology & Law initiative is happy to announce a new series of online sessions to take place in May, June and July 2021, after its spring and autumn cycles.
- Practical info-
Gender, Technology & Law session: Eduard Fosch-Villaronga on the consequences of missing diversity considerations in the development of algorithms
The Gender, Technology & Law initiative is happy to announce a new series of online sessions to take place in May, June and July 2021, after its spring and autumn cycles.
- Practical info-
Gender, Technology & Law session: Stefano Osella on Constitutional Law and Discipline: Fundamental Rights as a Technology of Power
The Gender, Technology & Law initiative is happy to announce a new series of online sessions to take place in February, March and April 2021.
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Gender, Technology & Law session: Tuba Bircan on Gender-biased AI
The Gender, Technology & Law initiative is happy to announce a new series of online sessions to take place in February, March and April 2021.
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Gender, Technology & Law session: Olga Jurasz on online harms and online violence against women – towards a (law) reform
The Gender, Technology & Law initiative is happy to announce a new series of online sessions to take place in February, March and April 2021.
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Gender, Technology and Law Session: Gianclaudio Malgieri on vulnerability and gender in data protection
The Gender, Technology & Law initiative is happy to announce a new series of online sessions to take place in October, November and December 2020
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Gender, Technology and Law Session: Sara De Vido on International and European Legal Perspectives on Online Gender-Based Violence Against Women
The Gender, Technology & Law initiative is happy to announce a new series of online sessions to take place in October, November and December 2020
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Gender, Technology & Law session: Petra Molnar on Immigration, Iris-Scanning, and iBorderCTRL
The Gender, Technology & Law initiative is happy to announce a new series of online sessions to take place in October, November and December 2020.
- Practical info-
Gender, Technology & Law -session on gendered law making: the case of human trafficking, by Amy Weatherburn
The 5th session of the Gender, Technology & Law series will be animated by Amy Weatherburn (FRC).
- Practical info-
Gender, Law and Technology on "Sex robots through the feminist lenses" by Carlotta Rigotti
Since the 1970s, feminisms have stressed the intersection between gender and technology.
- Practical info-
Gender, Technology & Law gatherings: Guest lecture by Nayantara Ranganathan on "All Watched Over By Aunties Of Loving Grace: Safety as Surveillance in India"
Gendering Surveillance is a project that surfaces continuities between existing systems of social control and new technologies of surveillance. The questions it raises are: What can be learned about surveillance from gendering it?
- Practical info-
Gender, Technology & Law Series: A topology of terms with Olga Gkotsopoulou
The 2nd session of the Gender, Technology & Law series, co-organised by LSTS and FRC, under the title: “Gender, Technology & Law: A topology of terms”, will take place on 23 October 2019 at 10:00-12:00.
- Practical info-
Gender, Technology & Law: A kind of mapping, by Gloria González Fuster
1st session of the Gender, Technology & Law series, co-organised by LSTS and FRC.
Session title: “Gender, Technology & Law: A kind of mapping”, by Gloria González Fuster.
Gender, Technology & Law News
Gender, Law & Technology reading group is back!
The LSTS Gender, Law & Technology reading group has been back since September 2023, continuing its exploration of how gender intersects with legal and technological frameworks!Gender, Law & Technology reading group is back!
The LSTS Gender, Law & Technology reading group has been back since September 2023, continuing its exploration of how gender intersects with legal and technological frameworks!Summer edition of Gender, Technology and Law Sessions (May-July 2021)
The Gender, Technology & Law initiative is happy to announce the next edition of its online sessions to take place in May, June and July following the spring cycle.Next edition of Gender, Technology and Law Sessions (February - April 2021)
[Series of sessions] The Gender, Technology & Law initiative is happy to announce the next edition of its online sessions to take place in February, March and April 2021, following the autumn cycle.Gender, Technology and Law Sessions October - December 2020
[Series of sessions] The Gender, Technology & Law initiative is happy to announce a new series of online sessions to take place in October, November and December 2020.Looking forward to the Feminist Data Protection Workshop (20 November 2019, Berlin)
LSTS is looking forward to the Workshop on Feminist Data Protection, which will take place place on Wednesday 20 November 2019 in Berlin, Germany. The workshop is organized with the support of the Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz (ULD) Schleswig-Holstein, the International Center fo...Workshop "Feminist Data Protection" in Berlin: Submit your abstract by 15 June 2019
Forum Privacy (‘Forum Privatheit’), a German research project, is hosting an exploratory, multi-disciplinary, one-day workshop on feminist approaches to data protection in Berlin, on 20 November 2019.
Other Resources
Please find here a collection of resources about gender, technology and law.
"Explicit Data Flows: Applying Global Privacy to Extra Sensitive Data" video of panel at CPDP2020.
"Online abuse of women: who is fighting back?" video of panel at CPDP2019.
"Gendered data bodies" video of panel at CPDP2018.
"Algorithmic gender discrimination, sexism and data (in)equalities" video of panel at CPDP2017.
"Loving the no hate web? Another look into women's digital rights" video of panel at CPDP2016.
"Feminist perspectives on privacy and data protection" video of panel at CPDP2015.