On the 5th November, Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS) visited the Communa sites in Forest to learn about the community projects ongoing in Brussels in empty buildings. By cooperating with local communes and authorities, Communa, by means of temporary occupation, develop other tangible proposals to confront the commodification of urban spaces.
At the Maxima site, there are multiple areas used for co-working, food banks, donations, youth clubs, sports activities, music and theatre groups and more.
This initiative is linked back to Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS) via the Dominia Enabled project researching 'The role of the state, spatial policy systems and the governance of Landed Commons in Europe.'
Many thanks to Maxime Zaït & Alessia Tanas for hosting us!
More information on the work of Communa can be seen here https://communa.be/en/home/